Stress-Reducing Tools To Help You Get It All Done
We all know too much stress can play havoc with our health. But, it is pretty much impossible to live life fully and avoid it entirely either. I am all for lessening stress when and where we can as our long list of responsibilities and lifestyle demands can overwhelm indeed!
So. here is one way that may help with that: some simple apps and tools. Let me tell you about a few I use daily that allow me to do this:
- use my time more efficiently
- get more done
- do more for others
- lessen my worry about forgetting something or letting someone down by my forgetting
- be more informed
Not bad for three -- almost free -- little tools that are so easy to use.
Productivity Tools I Use Daily
These three tools allow me to focus on other things -- more fun and meaningful things -- and lessen stress. They are not hard to incorporate into your life, mostly free (the cost of a paper notebook and pen is all) and there is no major learning curve to use them. Here they are:1. Pocket: It is so aptly named. (No pun intended.) This free little app, Pocket, holds a lot for me! I come across so many interesting articles, well-written posts, mouth-watering recipes, informative how-tos, fun videos and so much more. I am interested in every bit of it. but, I don't always have time to read/view them thoroughly or even scan it when I find it. This is where Pocket comes in. Just like it sounds, it is a little receptacle that pockets all that for you to access when you want, where you want and how you want. It even classifies various topics for you. I love it. It's on my Mac Notebook and my iPhone. I give it a peek everyday and it's my mini-reward to myself for finishing a task I dread.
2. Bullet journal: This has quite the cult following indeed! There are pinterest boards (look here) on this task management/journaling/recording method and I have even seen tweets about it. Check out this brief video on what it is all about. It explains it so much better than I ever could.
I keep my bullet journal basic and easy. No color coded tabs, pens, and what nots. (Although I am impressed with those that do!) I just want a tool to help me stay focused. I have attempted many methods of task management recording and have lost interest or failed quite spectacularly at each of them. I just have not found the right method for me, yet. Perhaps I never will, but I am up for trying anything new. So, this is the latest method of choice. I don't care to record everything electronically and prefer the old-fashioned pen and paper method more for certain things. The cost is merely the notebook you choose. And a pen.
This non-techy system, Kanban, looks interesting, too, to help you stay focused and productive.
3. Reminders: What a a gem this little free app is. I use it constantly! It is very basic but all I need at the moment. It came installed with my iPhone and I use this several times a day. Just hit a little button, speak your reminder and it's all done. You can't forget. No worries that a task will slip my mind. Love that!
There are lots of other reminder options, too, that I may be a better fit for you.
Some Other Tools
Here are some other tools I use frequently, not daily, but a lot to keep me organized and working my best:1. Notes: You never know where you will get inspired or get that "great thought" and when I do and I am out and about, this is where I record them. Those recipe thoughts, post ideas, song titles I hear on the radio, great gift ideas, travel suggestions all go here. I also use it for questions I want to ask people, too, like doctors. (A tip I suggested in my organizing column, Health Plans here. ) It's free!
But, there are lots of other options for this type of thing, too.
2. Remember the milk: I don't even like or drink milk but I like this app. I love lists (as you can tell if you are a regular reader). This app lets me make and take my list obsession to new heights all for free. I can share them, too! The introductions to how to use the app are very helpful.
Two Apps I Am Thinking About
Here are two apps that are on my "to research further" list (recorded on my bullet journal, of course!). But, perhaps you readers already use them and could add your thoughts on it for everyone. Please let us know your experience in the comments:1. Easily do: This app is free but does have a premium plan that does have fees. Here is a review of it. It sounds pretty powerful but perhaps a bit of a learning curve, but probably really useful.
2. iPassword: Passwords - an evil necessity of modern life. But, how to remember them all! Well, here is how, apparently. Or at least keep them straight. There is a tiny fee for this: $1.99.
I would really enjoy hearing how you lessen stress with your favorite tools. Fill us in on what you use to get things done and free up your time. Have you used any of these productivity tools or could you suggest others?
Need a bit more?
- Want to stay productive? Get plenty of rest. This routine may help.
- Make kitchen clean-up a snap! These suggestions just may do the trick.
Make sure you don't miss a healthy thing!
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This post was featured on Bajun Texan blog hop.
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