Health News: The Latest Skinny (August 2015)

Lots of great links I am sending your way to help you stay informed on health and medical news! You never know what latest study or discovery, intriguing article or other healthy bit may help you become your healthiest self or that you could forward on to those in need as well!

Be well-informed with useful and fun wellness news to make your health its very best!  Great links from how your personality affects your disease risk, why surgeons need to play more music, and what those fish oil supplements can do and not do for you. (The #health


Click on these great topics regarding your health that I saved for you this month:

1.  Next time your boss asks you to punch your timecard extra hours, you may want to show him or her this: what overtime can do to your body.

2.  So . . . how does your diet hold up to this longevity expert's?  You may be surprised by some of his messages.

3.  Let's certainly hope no one every needs this, but it's great to know scientists are working on disaster planning to protect our health under such dire circumstances.

4.  Do me a favor, please, and just review these breast cancer signs as there may be a few you have not heard of before.

Don't miss this:  Lifestyle tips to prevent breast cancer.

5.  Do you know yourself rather well? Because your personality may have something to do with how well you fight off disease, are prone to heart issues and more.

6/7.  Do your fish oil supplements help your brain? Here are two articles that say fish oil helps fight mental illness, but it may not be so helpful in aiding with mental decline as we age.

Don't miss this: Other great ways to get those omega 3 essential fatty acids and why you should care.

8.  If you are scheduled for surgery any time soon, you may want to make sure the surgeon has a few great playlists.   

Don't miss this: Why music is so great for your health.

9.  Those of us that want to slim the waistline, may want to see what this says about low carb vs. low fat diets and their effectiveness on your success in watching that belt become looser.

Don't miss this: how thin people stay thin.

10.  Technology updates may make diabetics' lives a bit easier very soon.

Make sure to follow me on Twitter here as I post interesting health news links and updates EVERY DAY at 3 p.m.!

Read an interesting article this month on health that you would like to share? Please do in the comments.

Need a bit more?

Make sure you don't miss a healthy thing!
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