Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul. John Muir

A healthy environment is essential for human physiological health. There is a parallel story about our health and the environment, here in Canada. The same ideas inform our environmental and personal healthcare choices. 

According to the World Health Organization's 2011 Report on Disease in Canada, Canadians are leading the worldwide epidemic of chronic disease, and in 2013, 29.3 billion dollars was spent on prescription drugs; 36% of Canadians take two or more prescription drugs, among the highest of the 11 other OECD countries surveyed. A 2010 study: The Maple Leaf in The OECD, conducted by Simon Fraser University, rated the environmental record of the 25 developed countries belonging to the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), using 28 environmental indicators. Canada ranks 24th out of 25 developed countries for environmental health and sustainability.

Health is the missing consideration. If health has an equal place alongside critical care and cure, profit and progress; better choices are made, and the benefits are more comprehensive and sustainable. 

I propose that a healthy environment and healthy citizens are the most profitable choice individually, and collectively. 


Check this out:  Nature Rx

click to expand

There is hope in our personal choices. We create the world we live in, each one of us, by all of the little things that we choose every day. Therefore, if we make little changes, we can change the world. 

There is also hope because ingenuity, resourcefulness and adaptability is coded in our DNA. Now, aspirations are being achieved at the very same time someone is saying it can't be done; biofuels from bacteria and algae are freeing up valuable arable land, and food is being grown in the Sahara desert using desalinated ocean water.

We are creating history by building bridges of communication and information in this developing technological age that could help us to make healthier choices for people and planet.

Check this out:
Plastic to Oil Fantastic

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens 
can change the world. 
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. 
Margaret Mead

Practical Tips 

  • Reduce and eliminate household and personal care product chemicals. Toxipedia 

to be commanded, 
must be obeyed.      
Francis Bacon

I am grateful for this most amazing day, 
for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, 
and for the blue dream of sky 
and for everything which is natural, 
which is infinite, 
which is yes.     
E.E. Cummings

  • Go outside.
  • Check this out: Breathing Earth
  • Remember and honour the wild places in nature where you used to play.
  • Man's heart away from nature becomes hard. Chief Standing Bear
  • Cognitive ComputingDigital technology has the ability to connect us to the environment in an intimate way, and to inform and predict the health of the earth; to solve the disparity between the limitations of our intelligence and our ability to create a sustainable future on the planet. 
  • Build bridges.

Check out this action in your own communities:
(with live links to all websites)

Green Action Centre

The woods were made for the hunters of dreams,
The brooks for the fishers of song;
To the hunters who hunt for the gunless game, 
The streams and the woods belong. 
Sam Walter Foss


Red Bay Basque Whaling Station, Labrador, Newfoundland: 
Canadas' 17th UNESCO World Heritage Site

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