How much ya bench?chest-anatomy

How much you bench? This is the most common question all the fitness freak will ask you just to judge your strength. “How much ya Bench” will also tells you your pushing strength and ability. Nobody will ever ask you how much you do barbel curl or shoulder press. Chest muscles are the only muscles which are visible even when you hide it with the clothes just like biceps. Here are few steps which can really help you to boost your strength.

Here are few points which can really boost our bench press:

1. Twice per week

Doing chest workout once a week is too less. If your chest muscle is weak as compared to other parts, make sure you do it twice a week. Whenever you do it twice a week, make sure there should be a gap of 3 days. Muscles take 72 hours to recover. But if you are repeating  chest workout less then 72 hours you will only harm your chest. So make  sure you take proper rest and excel your previous session of chest  workout. Only then you can go to the next level and boost your strength.

2. Warmed Up Chest

All the fitness freak knows the value of proper warm up. Most of us do warm up but how to warmed up before doing the chest workout. The common mistake we all do is we warm up our whole bod
y and often forget to warm up our chest. It’s always a good idea to do jogging, cycling and cardio for warm up as our body gets ready for the next level. But the most important thing is to warm up your chest before doing the bench press and all. The best warm up is use your own body instead of using any equipment (dumbbells or barbels). You can always start your warm up session with chest push up followed by cross over exercise. You can also use light weight dumbbells or start warming up on the bench itself with an empty bar and  do flat bench press and incline bench press. Once you feel your chest is really warmed up. Start your session with the best chest exercise like bench press.

3. Exercise with Dumbbells or Barbell 


Lot of people ask me should they use dumbbells or barbell for the chest workout. My answer is both. The main difference is in Barbell bench press, you balance the weight with your hands whereas in Dumbbell press you are utilizing each hand for balancing the weight. I would suggest you to choose one day for dumbbell and  after 3 days do workout with barbell. This will definitely complete your workout and boost your strength.

4. Lift from Chest


One mistake we often do is, we do not feel our muscles while doing the reps. I’m talking about Muscles & Mind Connection. Whenever you perform any chest workout make sure lift from your chest. If you’re doing 10 reps, in all the reps your entire focus should be on that particular muscles. Only then you can grow. In chest workout whenever you lift heavy weight, you need to lift from your chest. You’ve to feel your chest and while pushing the whole weight. So in the entire process of 10 reps your mind should focus on that particular muscles.

5. The kinetic chain (Help from Legs)

Watch the Video for Dumbbell Flyes:

Whenever you want to move maximum weights, make sure you help from your legs as well. So how do you do that? By placing your feet firmly on the floor directly below your knees, make sure your whole foot is touching the ground. This not only provides you a stable base to push from but also helps transfer force from the ground.  This creates a kinetic chain, it’s an engineering concept used to describe human movement.

Growth is always important even its only 1%. Keep moving and working hard. Hope this article will help you to boost your strength. If you have any query or question, you can always let me know. Thanks!


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