We live on a planet where we pretend that we are busy and don't have time. We don't have time even for our own life. Everyone wants to be fit and wants to look good without even paying for it. Joining a gym can be a fantastic way to get fit, but it’s not the only way. There are lot of people who cannot afford gym or they don't have access to gym. But believe me friends we can be fit without gym as well. Remember 80% is the diet and 20% is your exercise which will determine you and your life. So lets discuss.
Whatever your goal is , be it fat loss or muscle gain, calorie count is the only answer specially those who don't have access to gym. If you consume 2000 calories and burn 2500 calories a day, So this 500 extra calories will help you to burn fat on a weekly basis. So in one week you can lose few kilos, for an example you can burn around 3500 calories (500x7=3500) weekly. This is a simple science of losing fat. So count your intake calories and burn more. Here are some points which can help you to be fit:
- Always go for a morning and evening walk for minimum 20 minutes daily.
- Spend some time in sports activity. Play your favorite games like cricket, swimming, tennis or badminton. These are the best exercises and you can burn lot of calories.
- Always avoid elevators and use stairs. Within couple of minutes you can burn lot of calories.
- There are so many exercise we can perform at home without any equipment like push-ups, pull-ups, crunches and free squat etc.
- You can perform your upper body, lower body and abs workout at home. If you sees TRANSFORMATION 30 where I performed with Guru Mann Sir. You can also download the diet chart and exercise chart from the this link (Download All the Exercise Programs By Guru Mann)
- If you've a pair of dumbbell you can perform exercises for all the muscles group of your body. (These are the exercise which you can perform with dumbbell) Weighted Walking, Weighted Lunges, Deadlifts, Military Presses, Side Fly for Shoulders, Bench Press, Incline/decline Bench Press, Front & Side Lateral Raise,Dumbbell Press etc.
Just remain dedicated to your daily routine and the results will start surfacing within a few weeks. In couple of weeks you will see the results in you, in couple of months your family & friends will notice the difference. You just need to be regular and committed and believe me friend within few months the world will see your transformation.

It's not about the one hour you spend in physical activity or you perform exercise, it's all about how you spend rest of the twenty-three hours which matters a lot. Most of the people struggle to achieve their desired body because they don't know the art of Nutrition. 80% body depends on your nutrition. The irony is that we most of the Asian knows everything what's happening in the world. We all know what's happening in US, Pakistan and India. But we hardly knows what's happening in our own belly. We have zero knowledge about nutrition.

"We know the whole world except our own world"
Here are few points we need to remember as far as Nutrition is concerned.
- We need to make sure we drink 5 Liter water daily. It's really doesn't matter what's your goal is, water will detox your body. So drink 1 liter of water the moment you wake up and drink 1/2 liter water before going to bed. Always Drink water 30 minutes before and after every major meal. Drink 3/4 cups of green tea, drink 1 glass vegetables juice daily. The more water we drink the more retained water is reduces from our body and we look lean. (70% of our body is made of water)
- Whatsoever your goal is always eat raw vegetables & green leafy veggies. Best way to eat raw vegetables salads is 20 minutes before lunch and dinner. Raw vegetables is the key to lose fat. (As per WHO report only 2 out of 20 people eat raw vegetables in India. Isn't it shocking?)
- You need to understand that you cannot exercise bad eating habits. Always eat right, even if you don't exercise.
- Always always avoid white food like white rice, white sugar, white flour (Maida) etc. Always go for Brown rice, brown bread, brown sugar and whole wheat. White food (as I mentioned above) digest quickly and becomes fat but brown is slowly digestive food and it has more fibers.
- Try to eat small meals after every three hours. So in the entire day you will end up having 5/6 meals a day. (If your goal is fat loss go for 5 meals else 6 meals a day) Never eat heavily in one meal. Only eat whenever you're hungry. Your Breakfast should be heavy, lunch should be half of your breakfast and dinner should be half of your lunch.
- If your weight is 75 Kg make sure you eat 75 grams of protein daily. Whenever you're hungry always eat protein diet first. Make sure your macros (Carbs, Healthy Fat, Protein and Minerals) are intact and balanced.
- Try to understand what kind of body you have Ectomorph, Mesomorph & Endomorph and act accordingly. (Check our article on Body type)
- People often don't eat fat, they think they will make them fatso. But in order to get rid of unhealthy fat (Saturated fat) we actually need healthy fat (Unsaturated fat). There are so many sources of healthy fat (Egg Yolk, Peanut Butter, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Avocado, Dark Chocolates, Chia Seeds, Fatty Fish & Cheese etc)
- Being fit is all about burning and consuming calories in the right way. Always schedule your day and analyse how much calories you have earned and burned. If you haven't burned more calories in any particular day make sure don't consume more crabs and on that and try to depend on more protein.
- Sugar is our number one enemy. Avoid sugar as much as possible. When I talk about sugar I mean fruits and flour as well. You can eat fruits but avoid fruits juices as it has more quantity of fructose (Natural Sugar).
- You can check your BMR & BMI to calculate how much calories you need to burn and consume on daily basis. (Check on this hyperlink to know what is BMR & BMI)
- Avoid eating from outside, always go for homemade food. Lot of people complaints they don't have healthy food in their office. I always tell them pack your food and take it to your office. I often take eggs white, fruits, dry fruits/seeds, brown rice chicken-breast and sandwich (whole grain bread and peanut butter) with me. Is it really difficult to keep couple of tiffin with you? This rule applies even if you're travelling'.
- If you're hosteler or staying in PG, you can download diet chart by Guru Mann. DOWNLAOD
In this world over 90% people have food deficiency. Whatever food you consume, you can never get all the minerals and vitamins. Even if you're a son a King you still cant have everything. So in order to get complete diet you can always depend on supplements. Let's discuss what are the basic supplements which is require for a fit life:
- Multivitamins:

Healthy eating remains the best source of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.A multivitamin is not a substitute for healthy food or a healthy lifestyle, but it can provide a nutritional back-up for a less-than-ideal diet. Most of the people in this world are at risk for several nutrient deficiencies. Most people fail to meet dietary recommendations for many reasons, including strict dieting, poor appetite, changing nutritional needs, or less-than-healthy food choices. Taking daily multivitamin is an easy way to fill in small nutritional gaps.
- Fish Oil
Omega-3(Fish oil/Flaxseed Oil) is one of the most commonly consumed dietary supplements. It’s rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are very important for your health. If you don’t eat a lot of oily fish, taking a fish oil supplement could help you get enough omega-3 fatty acids. Vegetarian can go for Flaxseeds Oil.It has omega-3 fatty acids too. It's really good for the blood flow in your body. If you consume omega-3 you will never have any vascular disease. It also helps reduce blood pressure in those with high blood pressure.
You can watch this video where I've mentioned basic supplements about body-building or to keep yourself healthy. There are lot of supplements in the market but I've only mentioned which are really require to be fit even If you don't go to gym.
Download Diet Chart & Exercise Chart for Workout at Home.
BOTTOM LINE: Three things will determine our health. Exercise, Nutrition and our life style. So work hard eat clean and have a healthy life style.
I hope this article is fruitful to you and your loved one. Kindly help others and spread the love and knowledge. Let there be love and peace. Let's make this world healthier and peaceful.
Thanks You Friends!
Keep Growing & Spread the Love!
Keep Growing & Spread the Love!

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