Sometimes I put the weight of the world on my Shoulders
Flat stomach and great shoulder is all you need to remove your shirt and flaunt yourself and look handsome.
The shoulder is the most movable & unstable joint in our body. The "ball" in the upper arm is actually larger than the socket that holds it, and with the range of motion being so great, it is susceptible to injury.
Strong shoulders make most arm movements easier, whether you’re throwing a baseball, passing food across the table, or lifting a suitcase that’s a little too heavy. Virtually every upper-body exercise involves your shoulder muscles to some extent, so strengthening your shoulders enables you to lift heavier weights for chest and back exercises but If your shoulders are weak, they’re going to take a beating even if you perform chest and back exercises perfectly.
The deltoid originates in three distinct sets of fibres, often referred to as "heads" If you see the picture below there are three muscles in deltoid. We need to make sure we train all these muscles with equal importance. Here are few proven ways to build bigger, denser and wider delts.
The first and most important thing that you must do with any body part is to prioritize that area. What you will do is train this body part first and foremost. So, we want to build bigger shoulder so the best thing to do is start your training cycle with shoulder
The first and most important thing that you must do with any body part is to prioritize that area. What you will do is train this body part first and foremost. So, we want to build bigger shoulder so the best thing to do is start your training cycle with shoulder
This is very important. Because we want to build a huge shoulder, we will only train deltoid on the start of our training cycle and nothing else. That means you won't train chest, back or any other body part with shoulder.
Let's take a look at the workout:
In order to get stronger shoulders make sure you shoulder exercise twice a week and there should be a gap of 72 hours before you repeat the exercise. Suppose if you do shoulder exercise on Monday then you can repaet it on Thursday.
On both these days our workout plan will be different. We will perform two different set of exercise on these days. Let's see:
- Seated dumbbell press
- Side Lateral Raise
- Front Lateral
- Bent Over Dumbbell Laterals Raise
- Barbell Shrugs
1. Seated Dumbbell Press | 4 Sets / 10 Reps |
2. Side Lateral Raise | 3 Sets / 10 Reps |
3. Front Lateral | 3 Sets / 10 Reps |
4. Bent Over Dumbbell Laterals Raise | 3 Sets / 10 Reps |
5. Dumbbell Shrugs | 4 Sets / 10 Reps |
6. Wide-Grip Upright Row | Sets / 10 Reps |
Watch this Video to do Front & Side Lateral at one go. |
Exercise for Thursday
1. Standing Barbell Front Press | 4. Sets / 10 Reps |
2. Standing Barbell Back Press | 4. Sets / 10 Reps |
3. Cable Reverse Flyes | 3 Sets / 10 Reps |
4. Cable Front Raise | 3 Sets / 10 Reps |
5. Barbell Shrugs | 4 Sets / 10 Reps |
6. Push Press | 4 Sets / 10 Reps |
4 Sets / 10 Reps |
Nutrition for Shoulder
You need to continue your diet. Just make sure add one more meal in your diet when you do shoulder workout. That means you need to add two more meal diets in your weekly schedule.This will give additional boost to the muscles which are torn during shoulder workout.How to Get Bigger Traps:
Lot of people complaints that their body is good but they don't have Bigger and Thicket TRAPS. in this video, I show you a single exercise where you can build bigger and thicker traps. Follow this ""Shrugs Hold" Exercise. Perform 4 Sets (6/8 Reps). I can guaranteed that you can build Traps within a month.

Thanks You Friends!
Keep Growing & Spread the Love!

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