Mom's Cinnamon Cream Pie - delicious!

For my mom’s 92nd birthday she requested Cinnamon Cream Pie, a recipe she made when I was growing up in Stafford KS; it was and still is a family favorite.
The pie is easy enough to make, however I’ve noticed that sometimes if the egg yolks are not thoroughl mixed with the dry ingredients in step #1 that the finished pudding is lumpy and needs to be pressed through a sieve . . . so I adapted the recipe and now use a food processor to avoid that problem.
Although you can use a favorite pie crust, I recommend Craig & Vicky Chamberlin’s No-Roll Pie Crust

Cinnamon Cream Pie    Makes one 8 or 9” pie                              
3/4 cup granulated sugar                                                                                 
1/3 cup all-purpose flour                                                                                             
1/8 teaspoon salt                                                                                              
2 cups whole milk scalded (heat to 150° to 165°), partially cooled
2 large eggs* — separate the yolks from the whites being careful not to contaminate the whites with the yolks and avoid letting whites come into contact with any other fat
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
2 tablespoons butter
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1 (8 or 9”) pie crust, baked in advance
Ground cinnamon (1 ½ to 2 teaspoons) for sprinkling
  1. In the work bowl of a food processor, using the metal blade, combine 3/4 cup sugar, flour, salt and egg yolks; process until all ingredients are throughly combined and then a minute or two longer . . . until mixture is the consistency of fine powdered sugar. 

  2. Slowly add about 1/2 cup of the partially scalded milk while the processor is running (this is done to prevent cooking of the egg yolks).
  3. Pour sugar-egg mixture back in the saucepan with the remaining scalded milk; cook until thickened – mixture should coat a metal teaspoon.

  4. Remove from heat and add vanilla and butter and then allow to cool.
  5. When pudding is cool, beat egg whites until foamy and then gradually add the with 1/4 cup sugar and beat until stiff peaks form.

  6. Gently fold the cooled pudding into egg whites — add about 1/3 of mixture, fold and then repeat.
  7. Add pudding mixture to the baked pie crust.
  8. Liberally sprinkle top of pie with ground cinnamon.  

*Egg Safety Note: This recipe was created before the concern about consumption of raw egg whites. To avoid a safety issue, use pasteurized eggs for this recipe.
Mom eating her Cinnamon Cream Pie!
Recipe without photos . . .
Cinnamon Cream Pie    Makes one 8 or 9” pie                              
3/4 cup granulated sugar                                                                                 
1/3 cup all-purpose flour                                                                                             
1/8 teaspoon salt                                                                                              
2 cups whole milk scalded (heat to 150° to 165°), partially cooled
2 large eggs* — separate the yolks from the whites being careful not to contaminate the whites with the yolks and avoid letting whites come into contact with any other fat
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
2 tablespoons butter
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1 (8 or 9”) pie crust, baked in advance
Ground cinnamon (1 ½ to 2 teaspoons) for sprinkling
  1. In the work bowl of a food processor, using the metal blade, combine 3/4 cup sugar, flour, salt and egg yolks; process until all ingredients are throughly combined and then a minute or two longer . . . until mixture is the consistency of fine powdered sugar.  
  2. Slowly add about 1/2 cup of the partially scalded milk while the processor is running (this is done to prevent cooking of the egg yolks).
  3. Pour sugar-egg mixture back in the saucepan with the remaining scalded milk; cook until thickened – mixture should coat a metal teaspoon.
  4. Remove from heat and add vanilla and butter and then allow to cool.
  5. When pudding is cool, beat egg whites until foamy and then gradually add the with 1/4 cup sugar and beat until stiff peaks form.
  6. Gently fold the cooled pudding into egg whites — add about 1/3 of mixture, fold and then repeat.
  7. Fold the above mixture over egg whites that have been beaten stiffly with 1/4 cup sugar 
  8. Add pudding mixture to the baked pie crust.
  9. Liberally sprinkle top of pie with ground cinnamon.                                                                                                     
*Egg Safety Note: This recipe was created before the concern about consumption of raw egg whites. To avoid a safety issue, use pasteurized eggs for this recipe.

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