How Fit are You?
Are you are as fit as you should be for your age?
Whether you're thinking of taking up an exercise programme for the first time or already a regular gym user, do you ever wonder how fit - or unfit - you really are?
Personal trainers agree we should be testing our fitness levels every three months to gauge our progress and to keep our bodies challenged.
“Exercise won’t just help keep you slim, it’s also an important step to fighting the effect of ageing and improving your mental and physical,” says Tim Wright
But just how ‘fit’ should we be at our age? Here is a checklist for each generation. While press-ups and burpees are important, the list proves that it takes more than just cardio to be defined as 'fit'
a) In your 20s you should be able to
- Run 5 km in 30 minutes.
- Do 20 burpees in a row.
- Hold a full plank for one minute.
b) In your 30s you should be able to
- Run a mile in less than 9 minutes.
- Hold a plank for 45 seconds.
- Deadlift more than 50 percent of your bodyweight.
c) In your 40s you should be able to
- Sprint for 60 seconds without stopping
- Do 10 press-ups without stopping
- Touch your toes comfortably with straight legs
d) In your 50s you should be able to
- Run at a moderate pace for 60 seconds without stopping
- Do five burpees without stopping
- Lower yourself into a cross-legged position on the floor without using your hands, and then return to standing
e) In your 60s you should be able to
- Regularly take more than 10,000 steps in a day
- Do 12 bodyweight squats without stopping
- Touch your fingertips with one hand over your shoulder and the other behind your back
f) In your 70s you should be able to
- Walk a mile in less than 16 minutes
- Climb a flight of stairs with 10 steps in under 30 seconds comfortably
- Rise to stand from a chair without using your hands or arms, and repeat at least 12 times in 30 second
Aerobic fitness: Target Heart Rate Zone
The target heart rate zone is an increase in your heart rate — 50 to 75 percent of the maximum heart rate for your age — great enough to give your heart and lungs a good workout.
You can use the target heart rate zone as a guide for making sure your exercise is intense enough. If you are not reaching your target zone, you may need to increase the intensity. If you are achieving a target rate in the lower end of the target rate zone, you can set goals for gradually increasing your target.
If you already exercise regularly, you can stop to check your heart rate periodically during an aerobic workout. If you do not exercise regularly, you can do a simple test by checking your heart rate after a brisk 10-minute walk.
Aerobic Fitness: Running or Jogging Test
Another strategy to assess your aerobic fitness is to time yourself on a 1.5-mile (2.4-kilometer) run or jog. The following times are generally considered indicators of a good fitness level based on age and sex. A lower time generally indicates better aerobic fitness, and a higher time suggests a need for improvement.
Muscular strength and endurance: Pushup test
Pushups can help you measure muscular strength and endurance. If you're just starting a fitness program, do modified pushups on your knees. If you're generally fit, do classic pushups. The following counts are generally considered indicators of a good fitness level based on age and sex. If your pushup count is below the target number, the target can serve as a goal to work toward. Counts above the targets indicate better fitness.
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