Clear The Air & Make Your Home Smell Amazing . . . Naturally

Tap into these strategies here that are offer quick solutions to musty smelling rooms and toxin-laden environments. Most of these tips do not require repeated efforts either so a bit of time devoted to cleaning your indoor air can reap health benefits for years to come. So, see what solutions you can implement below to rest easy and breath deep to clean air and an amazing smelling home!
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Why We Should Purify The Air in Our Home
In fact, indoor air quality can be up to five times more polluted than outdoor air, and since most people spend a majority of their time indoors, it is a good idea to give it some effort to clean up our indoor act . . . no?
2. Some gases in your home can cause serious diseases.
Those diseases include lung cancer, emphysema, and COPD. Those gases can aggravate asthma and allergies, too.
3. A moldy and mildewy smell usually means . . . a moldy, mildewy home.
It is lurking somewhere making your place not very inviting to spend time in and making those that dwell there prone to allergic reactions and more.
4. Poor indoor air can make your life less productive.
Indoor air pollution has been connected to headaches, frequent colds and sore throats, skin rashes and even eye irritation and dizziness. When you are feeling poorly, who feels like doing much?
9 Simple Ideas to Clean and Protect The Air In Your Home
1. Unlock the windows and doors and welcome fresh air . . . year round!
Yes, open those windows and leave the door open regularly (if even for a minute or two in colder seasons) to let that fresh air in and stale and germy air out! Let fresh air circulate a bit on a regular basis in all your rooms and your house will smell so much better! I guarantee it! (If you live closer to a highway or other more air-polluted area, you may want to rethink that as those fumes are best to keep out. Some of the other tips below may work better for you.)
Not only allow that air in your home, it is a great idea to pull on your woolies and get outside even in winter, preferably not near heavily trafficked roads, to let that fresh air deep into your lungs.
2. Take it outside.
If you smoke, please quit! It is imperative you do so for your health and those you live with. But, for those friends who do light up, ask them to do so outside - not in your home. Even the Surgeon General states that there is no safe level of secondhand smoke.
3. Delete odorless gases that can kill.
These two gases may not make your home smell off, but they can do much more harm! There are two odorless gases to watch out for and both are easy to detect with the right equipment. First, install a carbon monoxide detector or ensure it is included in your smoke alarms and have a technician check your heating units for carbon monoxide leaks each year. Second, check for radon with a kit you can easily buy for very little money to see if your home has an issue with radon. If so, remedy the issue as it is a leading cause of lung cancer.
Don't miss this: Here is more information on radon and its ill effects.
4. Keep toxic products out.
The best way to not have chemically smelling air in your home is to not have sources of chemicals in the house. Makes sense, right? This goes for hair and nail products, cleaning products, art and hobby supplies and other common products that can increase the levels of toxic chemicals and strong chemical smells in your home. Choose alternatives when possible.
Look for products that are marked “low VOCs” and be sure to open windows and use exhaust fans if you must use any strong chemical to remedy stubborn mold and mildew in your shower, for example.
Dry cleaning solvents can be toxic to breathe, too. Remove the plastic protecting your dry cleaning and let dry-cleaned items air outdoors before bringing them inside to prevent chemicals from entering your home. Search for an organic dry cleaner, too.
Don't miss this: Cleaning tips to keep the flu bug our of your house with five minutes a day and here is how to have great looking nails with no chemicals.
5. Decorate with natural things.
There is a lot of research on particular house plants that can naturally detoxify and clean the air, thus, if you have the proper lighting conditions in your home, it may be a good option for you.
There is a lot of research on particular house plants that can naturally detoxify and clean the air, thus, if you have the proper lighting conditions in your home, it may be a good option for you.
Reach for pure beeswax candles rather than their petroleum-derived counterparts that can release chemicals like benzene, toluene, soot and other chemicals into the air. Beeswax candles burn with almost no smoke or scent.
Use only natural scents in your home like organic essential oils. Those sprays and plug-in air freshener have been found to emit harmful VOCs, including seven regulated as toxic.
Don't miss this: Plants that clean the air in your space the best.
6. Display the glow of salt.
Himalayan salt lamps I see everywhere and I became intrigued regarding their possible natural air purification benefits. I purchased one for my daughter as a gift as this article depicting its benefits had me convinced it was a great idea for her and plan on purchasing more! This article provides more details on good spots to place salt lamps, how many you need to be effective and other important tips.
Don't miss this: Speaking of pink salt, here are the many reasons you should ditch the white salt and go for the pink in your cooking for lots of health benefits.
7. Buy the right filters.
Use a higher-rated filter like a HEPA on your heating and cooling units as well as your vacuum so that all the particles you are cleaning and cleaning don’t get blown right back out into the air.
8. Flip the switch.
Turn on the bathroom fans and leave them on for about an hour after every shower or bath to help deter mold and mildew from forming that may require strong chemicals for their removal.
Also, when cooking with gas, ensure your hood is vented to the outside and turn the fan on whenever a burner is in use.
Don't miss this: 21 cleaning tips for the kitchen to make it go a whole lot faster!
9. Invest in an air purifier.
Air purifiers can do a lot to improve your indoor air quality but if you are thinking of buying one, this article does a great job of clearing up any myths surrounding them.
Don't miss this: Here are more great buying tips for air purifiers.
For Even More On The Topic . . .
- See my interview here with a top air quality expert for more tips and tools to protect your family from bad air.
- Check out this Pinterest board "healthy home" that is chock-full of great ideas to help you get your space looking great, naturally smelling clean as well as organized and clutter-free -- all to best support your healthy lifestyle.
So, do you have a salt lamp? What about an air purifier? What's your experience with it? I'd love to know or if you have any other tips to add to the list, please do!
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