How To Breathe While Exercising?
Escape to nature...Breathe in...Breathe out...Be still...Be quiet...Relax...Let go...
We all inhale and exhale, it doesn't really require much of an effort. We simply take in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. However, when you exercise, your heart beats faster and your working muscles require much more oxygen. So It's very important to breathe properly during exercise. Like aerobic, swimming, running and weight lifting or strength training, If we follow the right pattern that means we ensure that we are following the our working muscles and connective tissues get enough oxygen. Proper form of breathing also keeps our joints lubricated and protected. If you are beginner you may be thinking what the hell we are talking and why we are discussing simplest thing in the world which is breathing, since we all know that breathing is a natural process of our body. We all breathe in and breathe out and it's an involuntary function. However, we will understand what we're talking about once you start exercising.

How to Breathe Properly :
You can create stability during exercise by inhalation before a big movements, what is called “bracing”. If we are looking to save time and perform an exercise that has the biggest effect on our strength and physique goals, we need to utilize the best breathing techniques in our lifts.Creating stability by inhaling and bracing our abdominal before the movement will help us move more weight and burn more calories, and therefore look better on top of all that. We need to take the compressed air in our abdominal, so it can gives more stability and force which can really help to life heavy.
Breathing mistakes while we exercise:
We often make few mistakes while breathing like Holding our breath, Taking shallow breaths, Breathing quickly, Breathing too deeply and Inhaling or exhaling at the incorrect time.
Incorrect from of breathing can affects our exercise. If you are not breathing properly, you will be able to finish the set, somehow, but it will adversely affect your movements, posture, coordination and the effect of the exercise on your body.
So how does it work:
We all breath in the same way and it doesn't require much of an effort. We simply take in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. However, when we exercise, our heart beats faster and our working muscles require much more oxygen. Our brain senses this need and instructs the respiratory system to fulfill it, so we start breathing quicker as a result.
We need to take this whole process seriously because if we we don't breathe correctly, lack of oxygen can cause harmful effects, such as dizziness, headaches or fatigue. For an example, "If you have a habit of breathing only from your chest, then you are probably not using your lung capacity to its fullest. Most of the people use only 10/15 percent of their lung capacity while they are resting.

Let's see the correct way of breathing for every type of exercise:
Breathing pattern for Cardio:
When we do cardio workout or any aerobic activity, our breathing tends to be involuntary. And with this kind of exercise, we need oxygen to increases suddenly, so it's important that we use our lungs as much as possible. During a cardio workout, we should follow the diaphragmatic breathing technique, where we breathe from our belly, without letting our chest rise or fall. This is the best way to ensure the proper delivery of oxygen to our muscles during those intense moments of exercise.
Strength Training:
During weight training, our breathing tends to be voluntary in nature. Many exercisers make the mistake of holding their breath while strength training. If the supply of oxygen to the working muscle gets interrupted, you probably won't get the results you want. A sudden oxygen deficiency can cause fatigue and dizziness, and may affect your blood pressure as well. So you should never hold your breath while lifting.
The correct way to breathe during weight training is to exhale while pushing the weight away from your body and inhale while pulling it towards your body. You should always exhale when you are exerting energy.
For a beginner, it is difficult to focus on breathing along with the movements and posture. In this case, just make sure that you don't hold your breath. Even if you don't remember the pattern, just remember to keep breathing.

The general prescription for breathing during exercise is inhalation during the eccentric portion of said exercise, and exhalation during the concentric phase. To give an example using the barbell bench press, inhale before lowering the bar to the chest, and exhale when you are pushing the weight away from you.
To properly breathe during strength training inhale on the eccentric phase and exhale during the concentric phase. Exhale while you're doing the hardest work, and inhale as you're coming back to your starting position. Properly breathing will make it easier to perform the exercise.
Proper Breathing. While it may be tempting to hold your breath during exercise, the most effective way to breathe during resistance training is to inhale as you lower the weight and exhale as you lift the weight. This helps to control your blood pressure while lifting heavy weights.
It's crucial to breathe right while during abdominal exercises as well. For example,while doing crunches, exhale on your way up to the crunch and inhale on your way down to starting position.
Stand in position in front of the squat rack and grasp the barbell as it sits in the rack. Exhale and lift the weight onto your shoulders. Take a couple full breaths, if necessary, before you start the exercise. Inhale as you bend your knees to lower your body toward the floor.
Remember, the eccentric phase of a lift occurs when the muscle lengthens. This is the down motion of the bench press, biceps curl, or squat. The concentric phase of the lift occurs when the muscle shortens, as in the up motion of the bench press, biceps curl, or squat.
Eccentric (Negative) Contractions: During these contractions, the muscles lengthen while producing force—usually by returning from a shortened (concentric) position to a resting position. Using the same example above, the lowering the weight back down during a biceps curl is an eccentric contraction for the bicep.
I never thought of my breathing pattern in the initial 2 years of my fitness life. I didn't even know what breathing pattern is all about. It's only in my third year I was introduced to this technique. I still got muscles and I was in shape without even knowing about this concept. But no doubt it really helped me to understand about breathing pattern and lift life heavy. The best way is when you lift weight you need to exhale and when you come down breathe in. But if you're not comfortable with this, you can still breath in breath out the normal way.
Thanks You Friends!
Keep Growing & Spread the Love!

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