How to Get Perfect BUTT (GLUTES)
Sometime I grab my own Butt...BECAUSE WELL, I SQUAT
What’s your Butt got to do with it? The answer is everything. Try to imagine what it would be like if you took a step and lost all muscle control around your hip. You would most likely fall down, as your hip would collapse to the side, and send you sprawling.
It really doesn't matter if you're man or woman, nice shaped butt will always add beauty to your personality and attraction. We work so hard on our body but Butt are the most ignored muscle groups, when it comes to lower body training, it is the glutes or what we call the Buttocks. Nobody trains them as much as they need to be trained. Training the glutes is very important for functional and aesthetic reasons. Well developed glutes not only add sex appeal to an our physique but also makes us way more functional. A strong set of glutes is connected with a man's thrusting power and his performance in bed as well. Stability or balance, sprinting capability, vertical and horizontal jumping, all of these are directly related to your glute strength. Also rarely do you find people with a strong, well developed butt with lower back issues.
Buttocks consists of three muscles called the glutes. They are the gluteus maximus, the gluteus minimus and the gluteus medius.
The maximus gives shape to your bottom. The A shaped butt is the most attractive, as it can enhance your appearance in any kind of dress. However very few people have this shape.
You can tone your butt and legs into this shape to rock a bikini, swimsuit or your everyday clothes without worrying about how you look from behind.
Best Exercises for Glutes:
Squats do help in developing this region, but this is not the best exercise when it comes to working for stability or functional purpose. However this is a great exercise for hypertrophy (which means muscle building) purposes. In order to understand this difference you need to first understand the movement of the body and then the muscles that are involved while performing that particular motion.
But if you don't do Squat exercise then you will struggle to achieve the desired glutes. So Squat indirectly help the muscles. Because if your other muscles are stronger then you can easily get nice glutes with these 4 mentioned exercises. If you want to know how to perform Squat exercise the following video can be helpful.
But if you don't do Squat exercise then you will struggle to achieve the desired glutes. So Squat indirectly help the muscles. Because if your other muscles are stronger then you can easily get nice glutes with these 4 mentioned exercises. If you want to know how to perform Squat exercise the following video can be helpful.
Muscles Of The Gluteal: Group Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Minimus & Gluteus Medius
Muscles of the gluteal group involved in the squat:
Gluteus Maximus
Joint action at the hip, while performing a squat- Hip flexion and Hip extension
Therefore, while performing a squat, gluteus minimus and gluteus medius are not involved. They are embedded deep and are used for stabilization. Therefore, squats are not the best exercise for glutal development.
So which exercise would be considered to be the best for the development of the glutes as well as stability?
1.Butt Lift (Bridge)
To perform this one, sit on the ground with your upper back against a bench, your knees bent, and your feet flat on the floor in front of you. Squeeze your glutes as you raise your pelvis high enough off the floor to create a straight line between your knees, hips, and shoulders.
2) Single Leg Deadlift Exercise 3) Step Up Exercise
Muscles of the gluteal group involved in the step up & single leg deadlift are the Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus minimus and Gluteus Medius. The Joint action at the hip, while performing the step up & single leg deadlift is hip flexion and hip extension. Gluteus minimus and Gluteus Medius are deep muscles and hence work on stability. Muscles of the gluteal group involved while doing lunges is the gluteus maximus, Gluteus minimus and Gluteus Medius
4) Walking Lunges
The joint action at the hip, while performing the lunges is that of hip flexion and hip extension.Gluteus minimus and Gluteus Medius are deep muscles and hence work on stability. To conclude, choosing the best exercise has to be based on what exactly your goal is. You can also check on this video, how to perform Walking lunges with proper technique:
Squats are great for muscle building, but won't help in gluteal stability development. There is potential to carry more weight as compared to Butt Lift, Step Ups, Lunges and Single Leg Deadlifts. These four exercises are good for working on stability as well as muscle building , but the load that is used will be much lesser as compared to a squat.
Thanks You Friends!
Keep Growing & Spread the Love!

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