"Just because your triceps have fallen behind your biceps, doesn't mean you should back off your triceps workout"

When it comes to building big arms, We all work even harder for biceps and we often forget that 66% portion of arms is triceps. This is why building triceps is one of the little known secrets to building big arms.
                                                                      Triceps also play a big role in some of the most effective exercises like Push-up & Bench Press. Strong triceps is usually the limiting factor in pressing movements. So Bench Press, Push-up and other exercises go as far as your triceps strength is concerned. So having strong triceps is very important. So let's start with a quick overview of the triceps muscles and then dive into how to train them effectively:


As you can see in the above picture when each of three heads of triceps become pronounced, they from the distinctive horseshoe shape. Lateral-Head is the largest of the three muscles and thus is the one that both develops the fastest and most determines the overall look of triceps. When people think of big triceps, they are thinking of lateral heads. So if you want 3-D look, make sure you train all three heads of the triceps. 
But before doing this we need to understand all the different muscles groups of triceps. So when we perform any particular exercise, we needs to feel those muscles, Yes I'm talking about Muscles Mind Connection. Most of us, exercise while we don't even know where to target. If you'r targeting the long head of the triceps, you should aware of that particular muscles only then you can feel it. Here are few important exercises which can really help you to get defined triceps muscles.

( Check our Article: Muscles Mind Connection )

1. Dips (weighted if possible)

This is the best exercise for triceps. But the from and technique is very important here, otherwise you will end up training anterior deltoid and pectorals muscles. This is an exercise used in strength training. Narrow shoulder-width, Dips primarily train the triceps, with major synergists being the anterior deltoid, the pectoralis muscles 

Once you're ready to do the exercise, simply perform these steps:

  1. Place your hands on the chair/stool seat with palms facing inwards.
  2. Tuck up your legs so that your knees form a 90-degree angle.
  3. Straighten your back.
  4. Lower yourself until your elbows are parallel to your shoulders.
  5. Raise yourself into the original position.


Without moving your upper arms, push the bar down until your elbows are locked. Slowly return to the starting position

  1. Face high pulley and grasp rope attachment with clinched hands side by side (palms in). Position elbows to side. 
  2. Face should be 5 inches closer to the bar.
  3. Extend arms down. Turn palms down at bottom. 
  4. Once you're down, lock your elbows and flare out
  5. Return until forearm is close to upper arm and hands are in original position. 
  6. The elbow can travel up slightly at top of motion. Stay close to cable to provide resistance at top of motion

3. Skull Crushers (Lying TRICEPS extension )

It's the simple and very effective exercise which target Medial Head. Let's see how to do it
  1. Using a close grip, lift the EZ bar and hold it with your elbows in as you lie on the bench. 
  2. Keeping the upper arms stationary, lower the bar by allowing the elbows to flex.
  3. Lift the bar back to the starting position by extending the elbow and exhaling.
  4. When you lower down make sure bar touch your skull.
  5. Watch the full video for correct technique.

Watch the Full Video here:

4. triceps push-down

This is the most common triceps exercise that people do and, surprisingly, it’s quite good. Attach a straight or angled bar to a high pulley and grab with an overhand grip (palms facing down) at shoulder width. Standing upright with the torso straight and a very small inclination forward, bring the upper arms close to your body and perpendicular to the floor. Make sure perform full range of motion. When you come down make sure you stretch and stay for a while. Feel the tension as this tension will make your triceps.

5. Close-grip bench press

  1. Lie back on a flat bench. Using a shoulder width grip (around shoulder width).
  2. Lift the bar from the rack and hold it straight over you with your arms locked. This will be your starting position. As you breathe in, come down slowly until you feel the bar on your middle chest. 
  3. Make sure your glutes and feet are firm at the bottom and push them downward.

6. dumbbell overhead triceps press

To begin, stand up with a dumbbell held by both hands. Your feet should be about shoulder width apart from each other. Slowly use both hands to grab the dumbbell and lift it over your head until both arms are fully extended. The resistance should be resting in the palms of your hands with your thumbs around it. It’s particularly good for targeting the long head of the triceps and allows you to safely press heavy weight and overload the muscles.


  1. If triceps muscles are your weakness, make sure you train them twice a week.
  2. Always make sure there should be 72 hours difference before you repeat triceps muscles workout in the same week.
  3. Always focus on time under tension, the more tension the more chances of getting bigger triceps.
  4. You can do triceps along with biceps too. There is no issue. I do all the time. (most people think we should not combine both the exercises)
  5. On triceps-day take one extra healthy meal, comprising (Carbs, Protein & Healthy Fats)
  6. Never do partial steps and always focus on full range of motion.
  7. Always perform the set slowly with proper contraction.
  8. If you can not hit the right muscles during exercise, It doesn't matter how heavy you lift, you will never get any improvement. 
  9. Check what kind of body you have like Ectomorph, Mesomorph & Endomorph and work accordingly.
  10. Your feet should be firm on the ground and back should be straight and relaxed.

1. Dips (Weighted If Possible)4. Sets / 6/8 Reps
2. Rope Triceps Press-Down4. Sets / 6/8 Reps
3. Skull Crushers (Lying Triceps Extn)4 Sets / 6/8 Reps
4. Triceps Push-Down3 Sets / 10 Reps
5. Close Grip Bench Press3 Sets / 10 Reps
6. Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Press 3. Sets / 10 Reps

We all want to have bigger and defined triceps, but we all have different life style, nutrition, culture and different genetics. It's good that we are always insatiable but never chase anyone as we all have different body. Don't make your mind that you want triceps muscles or body like Arnold or Guru Mann. We all are different and we all have different look and structure of every muscle. Instead of chasing others it's better to improve yourself day by day. We need to be a different version of our-self every time. Thank you friends! Hope you like this article.


Thanks You Friends!
Keep Growing & Spread the Love!

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