"I'm not losing weight, I'm getting rid of it. I've no intention of finding it again."

Losing weight can be difficult without a healthy, balanced and low calorie diet plan. To lose 10 kg weight in 4 weeks, it requires self control, motivation and great commitment. Lose weight permanently and safely too without even starving, I've come up with a idea which will make you slimmer, healthier and more beautiful. So strictly adhere to this low calorie and nutritious diet plan with high intensity exercises  fat burning exercises in 4 weeks and let the world notice the difference in you.

70% people hustling at the gym have a common goal and that is fat loss. But unfortunately 99% people never reach their desired goal. They are often misguided by Online Weight Loss Programs, Gym Instructor, Their Gym Buddy and Facebook & Whatsapp fake news about weight loss. All these factors deteriorate their health for sure. Let's talk about simple science and fundamentals  of fat loss:

1. Calories Count:

Whatever your goal is , be it fat loss or muscle gain, calorie count is the main answer. But when your goal is fat loss it's even more important to understand and keep a check on your calorie intake. Lot of people give a excuse that they don't know how to calculate calories though we know Google is a second God who knows everything. But apart from Google you can download application for your cellphone like My Fitness Pal that can give you a kind of idea about calorie count. You also need to know your BMR & BMI I've written an article on this you can check as well. If you consume 2000 calories and burn 2500 calories a day, So this 500 extra calories will help you to burn fat on a weekly basis. So in one week you can lose few kilos, for an example you can burn around 3500 calories (500x7=3500) weekly. This is a simple science of losing fat. So count your intake calories and burn more.


2. Improve Your Metabolism:

First of all you need to check what kind of body you have. Ectomorph, Mesomorph or Endomorph. (There is a complete article on this, kindly check) Once you know what kind of body you have now you need to know your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) Your aim should be achieving higher BMR. High simply means that your body burns more calories. One of my friend who eats a lot but never gets fat just because he has super fast metabolism. You can increase your BMR by intelligent workout and combination of solid nutrition. Though it's a gradual process. But surely you can do that for sure. When I say intelligent workout, it means complete your workout within 45 minutes including warm up and stretching. It's possible when you completely focused and without wasting time with higher intensity you complete your workout. 10 minutes warm up, 30 minutes exercise and 5 minutes stretching. So I would say basic key for optimum fat loss is achieving higher BMR.

3. Cardio is Harmful:

I know lot of people will disagree with me here, but let me tell you my point of view here. When you do cardio for longer session and then do exercise, Your body is already in catabolic state (state when muscles break down). Breaking down muscles will affect your BMR which will damage your metabolism. So in this process you will be thinner and weaker not leaner and stronger. You will only achieve skinny fat nothing else. The best time to do cardio is empty stomach, when you wake up. It will definitely burn your fat first. In order to lose fat it's a great idea to do cardio empty stomach. But make sure never do body workout empty stomach otherwise you will lose muscles. Never combine cardio and exercise together. Zumba, Running, Swimming & Swift Walk  are the best cardio but never combine with Exercise.


4. Quality Sleep:

Whatever your goal is in life quality sleep is very very important. Lack of quality sleep will boost cortisol production in our body. Cortisol is a stress hormone which breaks down muscles protein and converts it into energy.  If you're in the habit of sleeping late, you will have late night cravings and you will consume snacks and as a result it will hamper your fat loss. So it's better to get into bed early. 
                                                                    I'm working into night so I never had quality sleep, So I started doing meditation. It really helped me a lot. I mediate 20/30 minutes a day. As per science 20 minutes of meditation is equal to 2 hours sound sleep. Meditation will rejuvenate your soul. Though I'm not trying to divert from our topic of fat loss. But just sharing best practices.

If you want to know about Meditation, You can check the following video:

5.Increase the Quantity of Protein:

Whatever your goal is, fat loss or muscle gain, protein is the key. Whenever you're hungry always think of protein. It will keep you fuller and feed your muscles for the longer time. If you are overweight make sure you consume  minimum 1 gram per kilo of your body. If you are leaner you can go for 2 grams per kilo for muscle growth.

It takes time to understand the workout technique. There are lot of things life Muscle Mind Connection, Body-Posture, Breathing Technique, Squeezing and Stretching (Shortening or Lengthening of muscles), Positives and Negatives. You can't understand everything in one go. It takes time to understand all these techniques. Go one by one.


In workout the intensity plays a major role if you are looking for change within you. When you go to gym, you need to prepare yourself, you need to evaluate your last session and your aim should be to outperform it. This is the only way you can achieve. Every session, every day you need to show commitment. Once You will notice changes in you on a weekly basis  and your friends and family will notice changes within few months for sure. Remember 80% is your nutrition and 20% is your exercise which will make you or break you, choice is your. 
7. Nutrition: 
To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art, getting the right balance between quantity, quality and the combination of protein, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins, good carbs, bad carbs, good fats and bad fats, it’s not only an art it is a science. Many people are on low carbohydrate diets, but your brain and your body needs the right amount and type of carbohydrates to function properly.

  1. Drink 5 liter water daily.
  2. Drink 3/4 cups Green Tea. (Without any sort of sugar)
  3. Eat raw vegetables & green leafy veggie Salads twice a day.(Cucumber, Carrots, Beetroot & Green leafy veggies)
  4. Always include Seeds in your diet. 2 tsp Flaxseeds is must (Chia, Flaxseeds, Pumpkin, Hemp etc)
  5. Drink 1 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar with 1 Glass waster daily basis (Empty stomach or before major meal)
  6. Always eat  handful of dry fruits daily. (Almonds, Cashews & Wall-net etc )
  7. Include Oats, Milk, Dry Fruits, Eggs, Fruits in your breakfast. (Make your breakfast accordingly)
  8. Avoid dinner or most of carbs before bed, prefer to drink a cup of milk with 2 tsp Protniex. It has casein and provide slow digestive protein through out the night.
  9. Don't eat more than 2 Chapatis at one go. Don't eat more than 1 cup of cooked rice at one go. 
  10. You need to consume 1 tsp of Cinnamon Power daily, If you can't take it in one go, take half or 1/3rd part and divide it accordingly.

Bad Eating Habits:
  1. When you wake up, before even cleaning your mouth drink water and make sure the sliva which is there in your mouth it rinse with water and goes in your stomach. It's healthy for the stomach.
  2. Eat only when you are hungry.
  3. Chew each bite 25/35 times before you swallow. 
  4. Don't eat like crazy, do not create a situation where you have to eat like a dog. 
  5. Take smaller meals and eat after minimum of 3 hours. 
  6. Drink water before and after 30 minutes of meal.
  7. Breakfast should be healthy and full of protein, complex carbs and healthy fat.
  8. Always avoid white rice, white bread and anything made of maida (white flour)
  9. Prefer Brown Rice, Multigrain Bread and whole wheat.
  10. Instead of whole chicken prefer chicken breast.
  11. Eat your meals seated at a table, without distractions.
  12. Eating a healthier diet may be intimidating at first but once you see for yourself how good it makes you feel and how good healthy food can taste, you have a better chance of succeeding. Over time, your preferences will change and cravings for bad-for-you foods will fade away.
  13. Get minimum 7 hours of sleep each night, as fatigue can lead to overeating.
  14. Use nonstick pans and cooking spray instead of oil to reduce the fat in recipes.
  15. Flavor your foods with herbs, vinegar, mustard, or lemon instead of fatty sauces.


You can check the diet chart, You can definitely make your own diet chart with few changes here and there. Doesn't matter If you are vegetarian or non-vegetarian, you can always make your own diet chart. This is a kind of example how you can make and prepare your own diet chart. 

Food You should Eat Daily:

Food You should Avoid:

Supplements You Must Consume:

 Bottom line is three things will determine your Health. Exercise, Nutrition and life style are the three main factors. Every individual has different life style, culture and genetics. Everyone consume different food, just like South Indians consume lot of coconut and their hair is really nice. In the same manner North India specially people from Haryana and Punjab, they consume good quality of milk and wheat, so they have really nice built because of good quality of protein and fiber. But If you really have decided that you need to shed few kilos, make a chart, count your daily calories, understand your body type, eat intelligently and workout effectively. this is the simple way of losing weight and get your desire body.


Thanks You Friends!
Keep Growing & Spread the Love!

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