CrossFIT Training
If you have never weight trained before (or trained only on machines), CrossFit is a great place for you to start, provided you have a great coach, which I’ll cover shortly. You will learn how to do all of the important lifts in a super supportive and nonjudgmental environment. You might even find that gasp you love strength training!
You know those people that love to work out every day and feel like something is missing if they don’t? The way CrossFit is structured, you are working out with regular consistency. The general protocol is 3 days on, 1 day off, but many CrossFitters end up at the gym more frequently. It’s addicting.
CrossFit has been gaining immense popularity these days. But in our country there are hardly any good CrossFit facilities. The reason is simple my friends we are still too obsessed with getting big arms, chiseled chest and we want to look like bodybuilders. Most of the people go to the gym just to improve their looks, not the way they function. Most of us think that fitness is just about having a chiseled abs and a huge chest and biceps. There is hardly anyone who indulges in a complete functional training workout. For most of us, functional training means stretching your body and to others it means spending 5 minutes battle with ropes. You really need to stop this attitude and start doing some hardcore functional training.
Functional training attempts to adapt or develop exercises which allow individuals to perform the activities of daily life more easily and without injuries. In the context of body building, functional training involves mainly weight bearing activities targeted at core muscles of the abdomen and lower back.
Functional Training:
So the first thing that comes in my mind is that how functional training is different from our regular weight training and workout. Let me explain this with the following example:
Consider these two exercises, Squatting & Leg Extensions. The leg extension is an isolation exercise which isolates muscles from the joint and Squatting makes multiple joints function all at once. Our squatting strength directly applies to daily activities like, jumping, running, sprinting, lunging, climbing etc unlike leg extensions. While weight training is directed more towards increasing the force producing capability of a muscle or muscle group, functional training increases coordination between your nervous and muscular system.
Weight Training Without Functional Capacity:

Consider these two exercises, Squatting & Leg Extensions. The leg extension is an isolation exercise which isolates muscles from the joint and Squatting makes multiple joints function all at once. Our squatting strength directly applies to daily activities like, jumping, running, sprinting, lunging, climbing etc unlike leg extensions. While weight training is directed more towards increasing the force producing capability of a muscle or muscle group, functional training increases coordination between your nervous and muscular system.
Weight Training Without Functional Capacity:

If you are one of those who just lift heavy weight and focus on getting bigger, you might be surprised to know that someone who looks half as muscular as you but is extremely functional can lift heavier than you. He might even beat you at regular life tasks. Functional training will make you stronger not from outer but from internally as well. So working out will be great but you need to be stronger from inside as well.
Conventional Strength Training Plus Functional Training:
Now that you know what functional training is and how important it is, start doing it on a regular basis. Adjust your training accordingly. Designate days for proper functional workouts and other days for conventional SRT. Your sessions can be anywhere between 15 minutes to 30 minutes. Just keep them short and intense. If you have muscle imbalances and try to perform functional movements, your chances of injury are high. So, the best way to stay fit is to strike a balance between strength training and functional training.
Benefits of CrossFit Training:
- Maintain Overall Fitness.
- Increase Flexibility
- Gain Strenght
- I Corrects Muscles Imbalances.
- Great for Weight Loss.
- It Protects our Joints.
- It works for the whole Body.
- It Prevents Injuries
- It makes you Stronger
- Workout at Home.
- It Provides Mobility, Power, Endurance & Strength
CrossFit Training Exercises:
Quick body-weight workout:
Warmup (2 rounds):
- Jumping Jacks x 20
- Squats x 15
- Pushups x 10
- Walk-Outs x 5
- High Knees x 30 sec
- Burpees x 20 sec.
- Squat Holds x 10 sec.
- Pushups x 20 sec.
- Squat Holds x 10 sec.
Circuit 2:
- Jump Squats x 20 sec.
- Plank x 40 sec.
- Jumping Split Squats x 40 sec.
- Mountain Climbers x 20 sec.
- Box: A CrossFit gym
- WOD: Workout Of the Day, as posted on or determined by your coach/box (typically only about 20 minutes). If you’re wondering why many WODs have names, it’s because these are workouts that come up over and over again: It makes them easier to remember.
- AMRAP: As Many Reps/Rounds As Possible, in regards to number of reps or round in a timed workout, you want to complete as many as you can For Time: Your goal is to finish the prescribed workout as quickly as you can
- Score: The total number of reps/rounds completed in a workout; If you’re scoring rounds, you’ll tack on the additional reps you completed if you were into the next round but didn’t complete it (i.e., 8R + 12 would mean 8 rounds complete and 12 reps into the 9th round when time expired)
- Rx’d: This is written after your score if you did each exercise of the workout without any modifications, meaning you completed it as prescribed (i.e., 7R +16 Rx)
- CrossFit Games: The Superbowl of CrossFit (July 19-24, 2016), where the most elite in the sport compete to be crowned the World’s Fittest Man and Woman. Current title holders are Ben Smith and Katrin Tanja Davidsdottir (though never discount previous champs Rich Froning, Annie Thorisdottir and Camille Leblanc-Bazinet).
- CrossFit Open: CrossFitters can register online, then compete in a form of CrossFit Games alone or at their box.
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