Healthy and nourishing snacks original indonesia

Original healthy and nutritious snacks indonesia: At the time I imagine a snack, often what comes to mind is a food high in carbohydrate and salt sugars that have the potential to gain weight and poor nutrition. While healthy foods always tend to be synonymous with unpleasant taste and appearance that is not interesting. However, it is different with typical Indonesian snacks. Without my awareness, Indonesia has a series of healthy and nutritious snack native indonesian that not only delicious on the tongue, but also healthy for the body. Here are some healthy snacks ala Indonesia that can be found in my sail:

Healthy and nourishing snacks original indonesia
Healthy and nourishing snacks original indonesia

1. Flower tofu

Native healthy and nutritious snacks indonesia: did you know that warm-warm favors, maybe that's the right sentence to describe the flower tofu. Kembang tahu is one of the original healthy and nutritious snacks indonesian, Indonesian typical snack this one is made from the essence of tofu flushed with ginger sauce and brown sugar. With soy bean ingredients, essence of tofu contains high quality vegetable protein with various benefits for the body. Equipped with delicious ginger sauce, tofu flower is a snack that fits to warm the body in the rain when struck.

2. Rujak manis

Healthy and nourishing snack native indonesian: there is another typical indonesian is a sweet rujak is one of the most popular and nutritious snack of indonesian native most popular. Consisting of fruits that are cut into pieces and red sugar sauce as a complement, sweet rujak suitable for a snack with friends. With fresh fruit as the main ingredient, no doubt the benefits of sweet rujak for the health of the body. For the less so like to eat fruit directly, sweet rujak is the right alternative to increase the nutritional intake of the fruit.

3. Burn tape

Healthy and nutritious snacks native indonesian: this one is definitely not in other countries, the character is savory and sweet, tape is a type of snack that is now available in many variations, ranging from tape burn cheese to tuna burn pineapple jam. Behind the variations of flavor, burn tape also has a myriad of properties because it uses the basic ingredients of cassava tape. Cassava tape contains vitamin B complex and vitamin B-6 which can prevent anemia. Cassava tape is also known to be rich in vitamin K which is good for bone growth and prevents osteoporosis.

4. Snack bajigur (boiled sweet potatoes, boiled peanuts, boiled bananas)

Native healthy and nutritious snacks indonesian: this is commonly available in angkringan stalls, various snacks companion bajigur traditional drinks such as boiled sweet potatoes and boiled peanut is a typical healthy snack a la Indonesia. Compared to fried beans or sweet potatoes, boiled peanuts and sweet potatoes are a healthier choice because they have lower calories. Boiled peanuts also contain high and healthy antioxidants for the heart.

5. Banana or nagasari cake

Healthy and nourishing snacks native to Indonesia: no strangers, banana cake or also known as nagasari is a snack made from banana, rice flour, coconut milk, and milk. This banana cake is made by wrapped in banana leaves and then steamed into a soft and savory snack. Indramayu original snacks nutritious and suitable to be a snack for children under five because of the soft texture.

6. Getuk

Healthy and nourishing snacks native Indonesia: For those hooked traditional snacks, would have been familiar with the getuk. Indonesian snacks this one is not only a unique flavor, but also full of nutrients. Getuk made from sweet boiled sweet potato for digestion because of its high fiber content. Ubi boiled also has a high beta-carotene content that serves as an antioxidant. With a sprinkling of grated coconut, getuk more delicious and healthy, feasible to eat as a snack everyday.

7. Brain-brain

Healthy and nourishing snacks indigenous: Fish is one of the important sources of nutrition for both children and adults. Various nutritional content in fish can reduce the risk of heart attack and increase brain intelligence if consumed regularly. One way to enjoy the nutritional benefits of fish by eating the brains. Served with delicious peanut sauce, the brains are nutritious and intriguing snacks. But make sure the brains you consume are made from selected fish meat.

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