healthy diet natural

Healthy natural food

Everyone wants ideal body with ideal body weight also of course. For some people who have abnormal weight or not ideal, usually they will go on a diet. Diet is one effective way to lose weight, but there are some people who do unhealthy diet by consuming dietary drugs made from chemicals and not applying a healthy diet so it can cause side effects such as illness. Apparently there is a natural and safe way to do without any side effects. How is a healthy diet?

How to Diet Healthy and Natural

Indeed we want to quickly lose weight and become slim, but a drastic diet changes let alone not to eat at risk of health problems. In addition, unhealthy endeavor also does not allow a healthy lifestyle change in order to maintain ideal body stability in the long term.
Then how much weight reduction is recommended? Between half to one kilogram a week, the calculation is half a kilo of fat = 3,500 calories so if you want to lose half a kilogram of body weight, it means that in a day there should be at least 500 calories burned.
Drastic rapid weight loss that is not healthy causes some health risks, besides such weight loss will not last long and will also quickly rise again. Here are some risks you can face:
Lack of nutrition

Body tired easily and feels weak.

Muscle tissue is damaged because fast extreme diets do not burn fat, but body muscles.
Weight gain quickly rise again.
Body disorders such as irregular menstruation, hair loss, constipation, etc.
Can be exposed to serious diseases such as dehydration, gallstones, electrolytes in the body is not balanced, and so on.
Common Mistakes People Make At Diet Time

Mistakes in dieting

People who do not understand about how healthy and natural diet lose weight usually make some mistakes below:

Deliberately skip the main meal, but this way will tend to make you snacking on snacks between meals.
Take a snack off a snack, when there are some snacks that the number of calories is not much suspected. So do not forget to check the nutrition label before snacking.
Consuming drinks that contain many calories, the intention is to avoid high-calorie foods and switch to sugary drinks such as coffee with cream or sodas. Though such drinks the number of calories is not less than the foods you try to avoid.
Less consumption of water because it thinks it will make the fat, but mineral water is important to increase metabolism.
Set unrealistic down weight goals, for example the intention of losing 5 pounds a week. This will instead trigger you to do everything possible to lose weight including unhealthy diet. Finally you can stress and eat more.
11 Ways to Diet Healthy and Experience the True

How to diet naturally

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Obesity or overweight is triggered by many things namely dietary factors, genetic, and many others. You can lose weight quickly and naturally without any side effects so as not to harm the health of the body, but it is cheaper and economical. Here are some of the ways a natural diet and quickly lose weight:

1. Define the Target

Small targets can be started as a first step to weight loss, for example if you like snacking fried foods, from now on intention to stop or reduce the snack fried.

2. Consume lots of water

Many health practitioners always recommend to consume lots of water, which is at least 8 glasses per day. Increasing the consumption of water can reduce the risk of dehydration, but it is also effective to lose weight because the stomach will be full so you will feel full even if not eating.

3. Sport / Active Moves

One of the activities to be done when dieting is exercise. Perform regular exercise to burn fat in the body so that it can lose weight. An effective exercise for weight loss is jogging, walking, aerobic exercise, or other sports. If you do not have much time then sempatkanlah to walk up the stairs as when at the office, do not use the elevator because by climbing the stairs can burn fat in the body quickly.

4. Consumption of Pistachio Nuts

Probably not everyone has heard of pistachio nuts. These types of beans usually grow in dry regions such as Turkmenistan, Western Azerbajian and Iran. Pistachio nuts are relatively more expensive than the types of legumes

5. Eating foods that are able to burn fat in the body

Here are some types of foods that are effective to burn fat in the body quickly and this is how the natural diet without exercise:

Berry Fruit: There are several types of berries that are effective for weight loss are bluberry, raspberry, and strawberry. All types of berries are low in calories and contain flavonoids so it is suitable for consumption for diet programs. In addition, this fruit also contains antioxidants that are able to ward off free radicals.
Eggs: Eggs are one type of foods rich in protein and low in calories so many health practitioners who recommend to consume eggs when dieting.
Yogurt: Yogurt is one of the health foods rich in vitamins and low in fat. If you consume yogurt regularly every day can reduce fat levels in the stomach as much as 81%.
Green tea: Drinks consumed by the majority of people are tea, but the type of tea that is effective to lose weight is green tea or commonly called tea olong. Green tea can increase the metabolism process in the body so that burning fat in the body faster. So if you want to lose weight quickly then regular green tea consumption every day to get more leverage.

6. Eat Fiber Rich Foods

One way of natural diet in 1 week is to eat rich foods as well. This food is able to lose weight quickly and healthy. Foods rich in fiber can be obtained from fruits and vegetables, such as potatoes, broccoli, spinach, other green vegetables, guava, pears, and bananas.

7. Replacing Common Carbohydrates With Complex Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are a source of energy and sugar for the body so that the body requires sufficient carbohydrate intake. Usually carbohydrates obtained from rice, noodles, and others. Apparently the food is difficult to be absorbed by the body so that accumulate into fat. Therefore replace ordinary carbohydrates with complex carbohydrates such as wheat, brown rice, beans, cereals, and others because it is more easily absorbed by the body into the energy needed by the body.

8. Choose Processed Foods With Certain Ways

It would be better if you eat foods that are processed by steaming or boiling instead of fried foods. Steamed or boiled foods have more nutrients than fried foods in hot oil. Moreover, fried foods usually contain saturated fat and high calories.

9. Reduce Consumption of Food Packaging

Ready-made foods, packaged foods, and fried foods have high calorie and fat content, not to mention preservatives and salt. So it should be reduced or avoided when you are working on a healthy and natural diet.

10. Organize Food Contents on Your Plate

All you have to do is rearrange the food on your plate. The point is to fill one-third of your plate with low-fat foods such as fish, poultry, or lean meat. In addition, multiply fruits and vegetables and nuts. Choose also a healthier source of carbohydrates such as potatoes and brown rice. If you like fruit, choose not too sweet like avocado, tomatoes, and apples.

11. Paying attention to Dinner

To lose weight there is no need to leave dinner but you need to pay attention to the dinner pattern. At night the body does not do much activity so it only requires a small amount of energy and sugar intake. So set your dinner pattern by increasing the consumption of vegetables and fruits, but also avoid eating foods that contain lots of oil such as fried if you do not want the stomach to be large (distended).

Come, Try This Healthy 2,000 Calorie Diet Menu!

For those of you who want to lose weight, eating foods based on calorie needs is very important. The important thing is not to get the calories consumed in excess of the body you need so instead accumulate and become fat.
Needs 2,000 calories is enough for you every day, in addition to applying the 6 steps above, support your diet with a healthy diet menu and natural below:

• Breakfast

Cereal sprinkled with raisins with fat-free milk as a complement.
After that do not forget to eat one small banana plus a piece of bread made from whole grains smeared with margarine or jelly jam.

Oatmeal sprinkled with raisins and cooked with margarine.
Orange juice or fat-free milk about 250 ml for orange juice or 120 ml for the milk.

• Lunch

Bread sandwiches made from whole grains filled with mustard sauce, chicken, sauteed mushrooms, and lettuce.
In addition, you can also eat 200 g boiled potatoes.

• Dinner

One bowl of red rice with capcay tofu and vegetables as well as peppers.
A cup of 250 ml lemon tea
How about the snack? You who can not hold back if not snacking can try to consume 245 grams of low-fat yogurt with fruit pieces.

Well, usually if you do not eat favorite foods high in fat and calories can sometimes make people who are dieting to be stressful. For that, you may only eat fatty or high-calorie foods at any time, eg only on Sundays only. But the next day, you have to go back to eating low-fat foods because it is useful to avoid the buildup of calories that can become fat.

5 Type of Diet, Choose Your Natural Healthy Diet!

Maybe you're looking for various ways of natural healthy diet that many circulating on the internet. There are many ways, but be careful with the side effects and whether the diet fits your body. Here are some examples of well-known diets that you might want to try:

1. Paleo Diet

Have you heard about this diet? The essence of this healthy diet is that you should only eat natural foods like cavemen in prehistoric times. The food is like:

Lean meats
Vegetable oil
And for foods to avoid such as sugar, yams, salt, cereal seeds, dairy products, potatoes, and processed foods / beverages. Side effects? Can get bored quickly because the food tastes bland, can be less adequate intake of calcium and carbohydrates, and certainly expensive because they have to buy organic food.

2. Diet 5: 2

This diet only allows us to eat for 5 days a week, while the next 2 days must fast! According to some studies, this diet can reduce the risk of deadly diseases such as type 2 diabetes, can increase your life, protect the brain from Alzheimer's disease and dementia, reduce the risk of breast cancer and associated with obesity, and improve cognitive function. Side effects when fasting can easily dizziness, dehydration, bad breath, drowsiness, difficulty concentrating, irritability, and insomnia.

3. Atkins Diet

By way of this diet you should not consume carbohydrates and eat more foods that contain fat and protein. The point is when you feel hungry for not consuming carbohydrates, the body will burn fat to make energy. Side effects similar to 5: 2 diets such as easy dizziness, dry mouth, easy fatigue, nausea, insomnia, lack of fiber, and can even be at risk of heart health.

4. Diet Dukan

This diet is more emphasis for us to eat foods low in fat, low carbohydrates, and high in protein. This diet is deliberately designed so you do not feel hungry easily. You can choose about 100 different foods (28 from different vegetable sources and 72 from animal sources) and may consume them as you like. ASALKAN keep taking out of the 100 foods that are allowed. Side effects, weight loss may be caused by loss of muscle mass and fluid in the body. In addition, you can experience bad breath, constipation, malnutrition, dry mouth, fatigue, to liver and kidney damage.

5. Mayo Diet

This diet is published by Mayo Clinic that has been tested with clinical experience and research. Some sources mention this diet can reduce the risk of some diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, insomnia, and high blood pressure. In the Mayo diet you need to change unhealthy habits and be replaced with healthier ones.

There is a food pyramid in this Mayo diet with vegetables and fruits as the most amount to be consumed. Then the intake of milk, carbohydrates, and meat is also in the pyramid of food diet Mayo with sweet foods that need to be limited every day. In addition, this diet also recommends that you do physical activity / exercise. The point is this diet is suitable for you who want to change the habit of unhealthy food consumption by improving eating habits.

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