One of the things that can support the appearance is an up to date hairstyle like hair coloring, nowadays a lot of hair dye brands that we can find easily, but you should be smarter in choosing the right hair dye with your scalp. Not all chemically made hair dye is suitable for our scalp. Why is that? Here's the explanation.
3 Types of Hair Paint
There are several types of hair dye that is widely used to make hair look more cool and stylish, including:
1. Permanent Hair Paint
This type of hair dye is often used by most people because it is more durable compared to other types of hair dye. The technique used in permanent staining is the oxidation technique using ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Both of these chemicals can dull the original color of the hair so it is easy to color with the desired color, but it also can open the pores of hair so that the hair dye faster react and firmly attached. The dangers of chemicals in permanent hair dye are higher than other types of hair dye.

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2. Semi Permanent Hair Paint
This type of semi-permanent hair dye also uses chemicals ammonia and hydrogen peroxide but in a lower level so it does not last long that it can only survive after 4-5 times shampooing. This hair dye does not fade the original color of hair and only penetrates the hairstyle only so it is safer and does not cause negative side effects for the health of the body. But still this type of hair dye can also trigger the emergence of dangerous cancer because it contains coal-tar.
3. Temporary Hair Paint
Temporary hair paint is a type of hair dye that only covers the hair and chemicals do not seep into the hair so it is safer to use. This type of hair dye can disappear quickly that is only once shampooed. In general, temporary hair paint types are produced in the form of gel, spray, shampoo, and foam making it easier to use. Although it can be removed instantly, but still this type of hair dye contains coal-tar that can trigger cancer.
These three types of hair dye contain hazardous chemicals of varying degrees, but they all can endanger health and trigger various diseases.
7 Mixed Chemicals In Hair Paint
All hair dye contains chemicals that are harmful to the health of the body and can trigger various diseases. Here is some chemical danger information in hair dye:
1. Isopropyl Alcohol
These chemicals serve as solvents in hair color paints that can cause dizziness, nausea, and headaches.
2. Propylene Glycol
These chemicals are widely used in the manufacture of conditioners and shampoos because it is easy to penetrate the skin. This substance can cause hair loss if used in high levels.
3. Polythylene Glycol
These chemicals are widely used in cleaning products and personal care. This substance can cause premature aging of the skin when used in high levels
4. SLS (Sodium Laurel Sulphate) & SLES (Sodium Laureth Sulphate)
Both chemicals are often used in hair care products and are very harmful to health that can cause hair loss, decrease hair quality and can inhibit hair growth so that hair is not long fast, even this substance can also cause cataract if absorbed by the skin.
5. Diethanolamine, Triethanolamine & Momoethanolamine
These three chemicals are found in many shampoos and can trigger cancer cells in the body.
6. Color Pigment C & FD
Both of these pigment dyes are artificial coloring that can cause various sensitive skin problems such as irritation and nervous disorders and can lower oxygen levels in the body. In addition, hair dye also contains a carcinogenic coal tar.
7. Formaldehyde
Formaldehyde is a chemical that is widely present in conditioners and shampoos. These chemicals can cause fatigue, allergies, headaches, and lower the body's immune system.
All of the above chemicals contained in hair dye can cause health problems, so it is better to avoid using hair dye if you are worried about the risk that can be caused.
6 Chemical Hazards In Hair Paint
All types of hair dye contains chemicals that are harmful to health. Here are some chemical hazards in hair dye for health:
1. Allergies
Allergies usually occur on sensitive hair shells on chemicals so before using the hair dye should first test it to ensure its safety. How to test the safety of hair dye by applying a little hair dye to the ear and leave for 24 hours. If there is a change in skin color and cause itching then the chemicals contained in the hair dye is not safe to use.
2. Irritation
Chemicals contained in hair dye can cause irritation of the eyes and scalp as the eyes feel hot, arise wounds, and itching of the scalp.
3. Hormone disturbance
APE chemicals in hair dye can cause disturbances in the body's hormones.
4. Cancer In Lymphatics
The danger of chemicals in hair dyes further that can trigger the occurrence of cancer in lymphatics or cancer that attacks the immune system so it is very dangerous for health.
5. Breast Cancer
Chemicals contained in hair dye can trigger breast cancer for women because it contains carcinogenic substances.
6. Fetal Disorder
Chemicals in hair dye is very dangerous for pregnant women because it can cause abnormalities in the fetus. These harmful chemicals can enter through the bloodstream to be absorbed by the fetus.
Chemicals that can trigger the onset of cancer PPD chemicals are widely contained in the content of hair dye. PPD can not only trigger cancer but also can cause allergies and irritation that is quite disturbing.
10 Things Safe Way to Color Hair
Hair coloring with natural ingredients is certainly much safer than hair dye that contains chemicals. However, if you still want to use chemically made hair dye you should pay attention to some of these things in order to minimize the negative impact on the health of the body so for you who want to look cool and stylish with hair dye then you should consider the following instructions:
1. Follow the Right Usage Instructions
In each pack of hair dye is equipped with instructions for the correct and appropriate use to maximize the work of hair chemicals and minimize the pain of the negative impact on health of the body. So before using hair dye then first read it and follow the appropriate usage instructions. Also make sure the hair dye has been registered in BPOM RI so that security is guaranteed.
2. Doing Allergy Tests
Most people are underestimated to test allergy tests on hair dye when it is very important to ensure the safety of hair dye products. How to do hair test test that is:
Apply a little hair dye on the back of the ear
Let stand for at least 24 hours
If skin conditions do not change as skin color changes, itchy, or hot it can be ascertained that the hair dye is safe to use. But if there is irritation and allergies then you should use other hair dye products.
3. No Mixing 2 Or More Hair Paint Products
Things that should be avoided in hair coloring that is not ever to mix two or more hair dye products because every hair dye products contain harmful chemicals so that if combined can cause damage to hair and scalp.
4. Using Gloves
When painting hair protects the skin of hair from hair chemicals by using gloves that are usually provided in the packaging of hair dye products.
5. Never Too Old Silent Hair Paint
Most people think that keeping the hair dye longer when used can strengthen hair color and can make it more durable, but all actually it can cause adverse effects to the health of hair and scalp. Let stand the color of hair dye in accordance with the correct instructions to maximize the quality of hair color and avoid health problems.
6. Clean Hair Till Really Clean
After applying hair dye to dye hair then rinse hair until completely clean from root to tip hair. Make sure no chemicals are left and stick to the hair and scalp because it can cause health problems.
7. Do not Color Eyebrows & Eyelashes
Eyebrows and eyebrows are so close to the eye that you should never wear hair dyes to color the eyebrows and eyelashes because they are at risk of infection, irritation of the eyes, and can even cause blindness.
8. Do not Paint All Hair To Restore Faded Color
Paint hair will fade over time, if you want to improve the color of hair that has faded then avoid to re-coloring the entire hair because it can cause damage. We recommend that the new hair color grow little by little or let all the hair color really disappear and then start to color it again.
9. Choosing Bright Colors
Dark-colored haircarts contain more harmful chemicals than bright-colored hair dyes, so it's best to use light-colored paint to minimize the negative impact of hair dye.
10. Do not Use Bleaching Techniques
One technique of hair coloring is a bleaching technique that can change the original color of hair so that hair dye can absorb strongly in hair. Techniques can damage the hair although it can make hair color become more cool and far from the original color of hair. Bleaching will further damage the hair if accompanied by blow drying a lot of interest to beautify the appearance of hair.
Doing hair coloring very much in demand by the community because it can make the appearance more cool and look more fresh, but before deciding to do hair coloring should make sure first the product used is safe and has been registered in BPOM RI.
To minimize the danger of using hair dye then run a healthy lifestyle by consuming more water, vegetables, and fruit to maintain endurance and remove toxins or toxins in the body.
Thus the information about the dangers of chemicals in hair dye that need to be known before using hair dye to beautify the appearance.

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