The Truth About Six Pack Abs
A skinny guy with six pack abs is like a fat girl with big B##bs...It doesn't count.
1. MYTH:
You Get Abs by Doing Exercises:
People think that by doing lot of abs exercise they will get abs, but this is the worst myth. 95% of people doing crunches, sit-ups, or ab machines will not get you abs. We all already have abs, the real problem is that our abs are hidden. To see a visible six pack we have to remove the fat that is covering our abs. Doing ab exercises will not remove this fat, only eating less and burning more calories can get rid of the fat. So my dear friends let me say that again, to get six pack abs you need to eat less and do more cardio/exercise. Grab the roll of skin/fat at your waist and pinch, how thick is it? If its more than 1/2″, that fat is the reason you don’t have a visible 6-pack!
2. MYTH:
You can do Spot Fat Reduction:
I really don't know from where did this stupid myth came from? I get dozens of messages each week from people asking for exercises to remove love handles and belly fat. You can't do spot fat reduction. If you have love handles all you can do is keep reducing your body-fat by eating less and doing more exercise (Calorie deficit) till they disappear. Your body decides where the fat will come off and there’s nothing you can do about it. Just keep reducing the body-fat till the love handles go away. I’ve seen people completely wasting their time doing 50 minutes of abs workout thinking it would give them defined abs, they would be much better off doing 50 minutes of jogging.
3. MYTH:
To get Six-Pack Abs You need Supplements:
People often think that they need expensive supplements to get abs like Guru Mann. But this is not the truth my friends. Guru Mann Sir makes his own recipes and enjoy cooking food for himself and his family members too. If you notice his fat percentage is always less than 7% throughout the year. During photo-shoot it goes down to 4/5 percentage. Remember 80% is the diet and 20% is the exercise which will makes or break us.
4. MYTH:
To get Six-Pack Abs You need Special Exercise Machines & Devices:
People often think that they need expensive special kinds of machines and special devices like Vibrating Belt (Sauna Belts), compressed clothes, expensive electro stimulation machines etc. But these are all wastage of time and money. Let me tell you my friends, you don't need even exercise machines to do abs. You can do abs exercises at your home. You don't even go to gym for that.
5. MYTH:
People often get the upper 4 abs, then they wonder what exercise they should do to get lower abs – I get this question ALL the time. There are no special exercises to work the lower abs, its just a matter of removing the fat over them. And remember myth #2, you can't do spot fat removal. If you want to see your lower abs so that you have a six pack or a eight pack then you have to reduce your body-fat percentage even more thru eating less and burning more calories. The first place the body stores fat is in the belly button region, and that just happens to be over the lower abs. Even in someone who is reasonably lean like Guru Mann, the fat over the lower abs can be twice thick as the fat over the upper abs. Check this out for yourself. Check you skin-fold over the upper abs. Now check it over the lower abs, that is the reason lower abs are so tough to see because very few people can get lean enough so that they show.
6. MYTH:
Abs requires Long, Grueling Abs Workouts:
ny of these abs workouts on YouTube, the one where some ripped model and Desi Guru does every ab exercise in the world consecutively without taking any rest and claims that’s what it takes to look like him. It's all nonsense. These 30-60 marathon minute abs workouts will give you abs but they are a waste of time if you are trying to get a visible six-pack. If you want a six-pack you would be much better off spending that 60 minutes jogging than doing ab exercises. Part of peoples confusion is that they mistakenly believe that ab exercises constitute cardiovascular exercise and thus can burn off fat, they are not! To burn off fat you need to elevate your heart rate into the weight loss zone, and to do that you need to use large muscles strenuously like using your quads in running or cycling. The abs are a very small muscle and no ab machine can elevate your heart rate sufficiently to lose weight.
Important Questions:
1. Can you can do Abs Workouts daily?
This is the most important question. Your ab needs 48 hours to recover. But that doesn't mean you can't do ab workout daily. There are four main muscles for abs. Upper Abs, Lower Abs, External Obliques and Internal Obliques. So I would advise you one day do Upper Abs and Internal Obliques and next day you can do Lower Abs and External Obliques. In this process you can do abs workout daily basis. But in order to get ab you need to make sure your body percentage is below 9%

You must have seen body builders, model and few photo-shoots where the models look completely shredded and their body percentage is as low as 4%. Anything less than 6.5 body percentage is harmful for our body. I can understand that during photo shoot you can go for as low as 4/5 percentage of body fat. But overall don't go lower than 6.5% It's never recommended. Our aim should be single digit of fat percentage.
So even if you are 9% body fat percentage its fine, you will look good and shredded. If you see Amir Khan in the movie Dangal, his body fat percentage is 9% and he looks super fit with visible abs.
3. Do I have Abs?
People often think in order to get abs they need abs workout. But we all have abs even if we don't workout. My nephew often asks me when he would have abs and biceps like me. I just smiles and says we all have abs but the issue is abs are covered with the layers of fat. There is a helper in our gym, he is super thin guy and have super and defined abs, though he doesn't do abs workout. But his abs are so clear that anyone can feel jealous. So body fat is the difference my friends.
4. So why do Abdominal Exercises?
So am I saying that ab exercises are a waste of time? Not exactly my friedns! Absolutely not. What I’m saying is that if you want to have a tight waist and see defined abs, you have to reduce body-fat by eating less and doing daily cardiovascular exercise. Doing abs exercises are very important but not necessarily for getting a six-pack. Doing ab exercises is really important for two reasons. First to reduce chance of lower back injury, strong abs takes your spaghetti-like spine and make it a steel i-beam. The second reason to do ab exercises is to improve your sports performance. Almost every single sport benefits from strong abs. Ab strength provides a surprising amount of power in hitting sports like baseball and golf and in punching sports like boxing and the martial arts. And moreover keep you fit and healthy.
Thanks You Friends!
Keep Growing & Spread the Love!

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