5 Stupid Mistakes to Avoid in the Gym
"Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them" Bruce Lee
Most of the Gym experts today think that they know everything. This the main problem. Their practices are just as ridiculous as are their juiced physiques. Thanks to their ignorant attitude, people are more often at the doctor's than at the gym. Injuries like slipped disc, dislocated shoulders and spondylitis have become common, when working under these trainers. More than 80% of the total trainers working in the Indian fitness industry are still far from being certified. If your trainer is making you do these things, it's time to hire a qualified person. Anyway let's come to the point, here are few extremely stupid things that most of the people are doing.
I know lot of people will disagree with me here, but let me tell you my point of view here. When you do cardio before workout or for longer session your body goes into catabolic state (state when muscles break down). Breaking down muscles will affect your BMR which will damage your metabolism. So in this process you will be thinner and weaker not leaner and stronger. You will only achieve skinny fat nothing else. The best time to do cardio is empty stomach, when you wake up. It will definitely burn your fat first. In order to lose fat it's a great idea to do cardio empty stomach. But make sure, never do body workout empty stomach otherwise you will lose muscles. Never combine cardio and exercise together. Zumba, Running, Swimming & Swift Walk are the best cardio but never combine with Exercise.After your cardio session is over your energy levels are already finished. This results in ineffective weight training. You're not able to lift heavy as you could have, if you did weight training before cardio.
2. wrong approach for WARM-UP
People don't understand the reason of warm-up is all about. I's important that your body should be warmed up. But you can warm up withing 5 minutes that's it. The important thing is to warmed up your muscles that you need to workout. If your are doing triceps workout, make sure you warmed up your all the heads of triceps muscles. like long head, lateral head and medial head. (Check the picture below)So remember whatever body part you're working out warm up that particular muscles.
2. wrong APPROACH to "lift-heavy"
Another huge mistake these desi trainers are obsessed with is ‘Lift-heavy'. Since a majority of them are always on the juice, they tend to push amateurs equally as hard. That's idiotic, at best. Of course they have no idea who's an amateur, a beginner, an intermediate and an expert level client. Since they lift heavy and experience gains, they are eager to make their clients lift heavy weights in every session. Desi trainers themselves are ego lifters and that's exactly what they pass on to their clients as well. Friends, beware of these desi trainers who are not even post graduate.You will build muscles not by lifting heavy but by doing correct exercise. So focu more on form and posture. Though your aim should be to lift heavy but never compromise with the form.
3. hitting same body part everyday
Most of the desi gym trainers have wrong approach like if you have weak chest, do chest daily. This is the solution that desi trainers have for weaker muscle groups. Though their concept is simple, it's also hugely flawed. By doing this, you are hardly giving your muscles time to recover from the trauma that it received from the previous workout. Muscles don't grow when you train them. They simply grow when they are at rest. Rest is just as important as training. Since desi trainers don't know the concept of slow twitch muscles and fast twitch muscle imbalances, they hardly know why you have a weak muscle and how to make it grow. They think that weak muscles will only grow by lifting heavy weights daily. Now this may be true for someone who is fast twitch fiber dominant but for people who are slow twitch fiber heavy, more number of reps with lighter weights might do the trick.5. Same workout routine
Most of the people never change their gym routine. They keep doing the same workout for month and months, year by years. This is the reason most of the people hit a plateau. You need to understand that your body will be use to it and your muscles will never grow. Keep doing different exercises and keep changing your gym schedule. But you need to make sure do not make sudden changes. Whatever your routine is follow for a month and try to achieve success and try to be a perfectionist. Every month you should have a strategy.==========================
Hope this article is fruitful to you friends, for any query and question kindly put your comments or contact me through the below links.
Thanks You Friends!
Keep Growing & Spread the Love!

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