Health News: The Latest Skinny

Learn the latest health news with these great links.

I like to keep abreast of the news - including the health news. (Of course!) But, no need to keep it all to myself. That just wouldn't be right! Besides, I don't want to. There is a lot of great news out there! So, please, listen up, if you like, to keep up-to-date when I periodically share the low down on the latest stuff I found of interest in the health arena that you may want to hear about, too!

Links to Your Health

To keep you "in the know" and to be even more mindful of your health, sit back and catch up on a few healthy things I caught this week . . .

1.  Don't just warm your toes - apparently, your nose, too! Could this be why more colds are caught in wintertime?

2.  If your cholesterol is not where you need it to be, you may want to stock up on some avocados . . . or plant a tree or two in your backyard.

3.  I consider myself fairly adventurous in trying new foods, but this health craze? I just don't think I could partake!  What about you? If you have, please share in the comments and let us know how that went down.

4.  Get your kids to bed on time. Those math and language scores may sore!

5.  Exercise good. Yes, we know, but here is why it can take some years off and keep you young as well!

6.  Take a look at your future - your future check-up that is.

7.  Uh, . . . I don't think so. Have a teen in the house? I'm thinking this to be a misconception that must be clarified.

8. Create a sunny disposition. Those you live with as well as your heart will thank you.

9.  Just stick with stainless steel and glass, people. The replacement is no good, either.

10. There is a promising blood test for a dreaded disease that can affect too many.

Make sure to follow me on Twitter here as I post interesting health news links and updates EVERY DAY at 3 p.m.!

Please chime in and add any health news links in the comments that you have seen or heard that may perk up our ears and help us live the healthy life!

Need a bit more?

  • Love health talk? Catch this stuff. It's good! Real good! 
Make sure you don't miss a healthy thing!
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